Lyrics of A conversation
Mary Poppins
Paroles de la chanson a conversation par mary poppins
"we haven't spoken in a long time, dear"
This year has gone by in a blur
Today seems everything's gone wrong here
I'm looking for the way things were
I know you'd laugh and call me tragic
For everything's in disarray
These rooms were always full of magic
That's vanished, since you went away
This house is crowded now with questions
And john's a walking questionnaire
And i could surely use a few suggestions
On how to brush our daughter's hair
When georgie needed explanations
You always knew just what to say
And i miss our family conversations
It's silent, since you went away
Winter has gone
But not from this room
Snow's left the lane
But the cherry trees forgot to bloom
I'll carry on the way you told me
I say that like i have a choice
And though you are not here to hold me
In the echoes i can hear your voice
But still one question fills my day dear
The answer i most longed to know
Each moment since you went away dear
My question, kate, is
"where'd you go?"
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Lyrics of the track a conversation by mary poppins.