Lyrics of Blue eyes

Middle Brother

pochette album Blue eyes
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Release date : 01/03/2011

Duration : 0:04:05

Style : Alternative

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Video clip

One, two, three, four

Her blue eyes are turning green
Mine have always been that way
Her soft kisses are hard goodbye
Been knocked out since yesterday

A black eye and no blue heart
And a blue heart and your soft kiss
Don't get me started about holding your hand
Just send my ass to a hospital again

I've been looking for some time
In a room full of pennies for my dime
It ain't easy to find
A girl like you to me mine

Just a look at you made my heart skip
And to think of you does jumping jacks
Told myself that you're the one
And i told myself i could get you back

When i came back you still weren't mine
Then i left again and you still weren't mine
I'm back again, so just be mine
I am so tired of running

I've been looking for some time
In a room full of numbers for my prime
It ain't easy to find
A girl like you to me mine

She's a southern girl, without a drawl
She's a good girl who wear black bras
Only one who could make me crawl
She's too sweet to force me

Got a hard head but not on her
Got a foul mouth that she never heard
Hear her sing just like a bird
She'll write a song about me

I've been looking for sometime
In a room full of pennies for my dime
It ain't easy to find
A girl like you to me mine

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