Lyrics of The royal doulton music hall
Mary Poppins
Paroles de la chanson the royal doulton music hall par mary poppins
"and where would we like to go on this fine, fine day?"
"the royal doulton music hall please"
"what's that?!"
"we're on the brink of an adventure children. don't spoil it with too many questions."
In the nursery, you were never by yourself
There was quite another world upon your shelf (hold on)
Where each day crowds make their way upon the sun's decent
To a mythical, mystical, never quite logistical tent
Yes in this
Dilly dynamical simply ceramical royal doulton bowl
There's a cuddly and curious, furry and furious animal watering hole
Where the monkeys and hummingbirds know the tune and the words
Every beast large and small
Loves the very top drawable, always encore-able royal doulton music hall
"ooh. that one tickled my tail. nearly there mary poppins!"
Yes in this
Marvellous, mystical, rather sophistical royal doulton bowl
There's a lot of birds queuing up, a lot of hams chewing up
Scenery they swallow whole
There are lots of cats tuning strings
Nightingales in the wings
Waiting for their big drum roll
At the simplest sensational, standing ovational royal doulton music hall
"here we are!"
"but where's the music hall"
"oh yes that! silly me"
"step right up! step right!"
"wow. goodness"
"how on earth did she do that?"
"one thing you should know about mary poppins, she never explains anything. come on"
"hurry, hurry. get tickets while you can. for the one night only, one and only... mary poppins! what an honour it is to have you join us this evening"
"thank you"
"and who is this i see? why it's john, annabel and georgie banks!"
"you know us?"
"of course! everyone knows the banks children. hurry along now. get yourself some peanuts and candyfloss and go right on in"
"may we mary poppins?"
"yes. just keep away from the edge of the bowl"
At the highly acclaimable, nearly untamable
Lavishing praisable, always roof raisable
Royal doulton music hall!
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Lyrics of the track the royal doulton music hall by mary poppins.