Lyrics of Take a train (awakening)


pochette album Take a train (awakening)
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I wanted to take a train to the nearest awakening
Took a bullet the speed of light, into infinite time
I noticed a wake, the face was mine
Where was i?

I wanted to take a break at the next gathering
Made a change to white and light to the snap on my behind
I noticed a face, the mother was mine
Where was i?

I wanted to kick dust on the road i'm traveling
Raking time in my mind like leaves, weaved in suffer and cry
I noticed your face, i was looking at mine
Where was i?

I wanted to ask someone but who's listening
Mistake in the belief that all i see is with my eyes
I noticed no one could see my face and i knew that i was flying.

-in an instant-

I knew were i was again.
I was taking another train to the nearest awakening...

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