Lyrics of A warm summer night


pochette album A warm summer night
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Release date : 11/11/2013

Duration : 0:06:04

Style : R&B/Soul

sonnerie téléphone portable pour A warm summer night
Video clip

Papi, could you love me tonight?
On a warm summer night
It would be so nice tonight

Te quiero, papi
Could you love me tonight?
On a warm summer night
It would be so nice tonight

Papi, could you love me tonight?
On a warm summer night
It would be so nice tonight

Papi, could you love me tonight?
On a warm summer night
It would be so nice tonight

Papi, could you love me tonight?
On a warm summer night
It would be so nice tonight

Papi, could you love me tonight?
On a warm summer night
It would be so nice tonight

Papi, could you love me tonight?
On a warm summer night
It would be so nice tonight
Te quiero, papi...

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