Lyrics of Beautiful daughter

Electric Light Orchestra

pochette album Beautiful daughter
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There we go, running before we can walk again

Can you imagine the hours i keep

Learning to sleep again, see her face again

Blast the world, fruits of the morning...

Carry the weight of the heart in a storm

Suffer the dawn today, today

Your beautiful daughter made me younger today

Beautiful daughter, now the darkness hides the tears that soak

The pillow where she lay

Wide awake, lying in wait for the moon to break

Drinking the lake of the dreams that we share

Wanting you there today, today


Can you believe she just dropped in to say goodbye, say goodbye

I'm crying, beautiful daughter give me more, open the door

Pools in her eyes that are bright and deep

Can you imagine the hours i keep

Learning to sleep again, again



Beautiful daughter give me more, open the door


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