Lyrics of Crossing the river styx

I Am Ghost

pochette album Crossing the river styx
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Release date : 10/10/2006

Duration : 0:01:56

Style : Rock

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Kyrie elesion
Gratia tua illis succurrente
Mereantur evadere judicium
Fac eas de morte transire ad vitam
Et in memoria aeterna erit

Lord, have mercy
By the help of thy grace
May they be enabled to escape the judgement
Grant them to pass over from death to life
And they shall live in memory everlasting.

(soprano solo:)
Tantus labor non sit cassus
Ne me perdas

(such travail must not be in vain
Do not let me be lost)

(tenor solo:)
Cor contritum quasi cinis
Quem patronum rogarturus?
Ne me perdas

(my heart is as though ground to ashes
To which protector shall i appeal?
Do not let me be lost)

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