Paroles de Bad party

Dead Milkmen

pochette album Bad party
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We're goin' to a bad party
It's the worst party that's ever been
We're goin' to a bad party
And i hope those jerks will let us in

Shut your mouth, get in the car
'cause ricky casso wants to drive

We're goin' to a bad party
It's the kind where everyone's dull
We're goin' to a bad party
Gonna scare the bejesus out of them all

When we get there we'll say, we love satan
Ricky always thinks that's funny

We're goin' to a bad party
It's the worst party that's ever been

God, i really hate these jokers
Think they're smart, they think they're witty
Someone ought to pass a law
Or at least form a committee
I'm gonna shoot the stereo
If they don't start playin' my kind of music

We're goin' to a bad party
And i can hardly wait
We're goin' to a bad party
I need a place to defecate

Maybe we'll take the host hostage
Ooh, what a clever play on words

We're goin' to a bad party
It's the worst party that's ever been

God, i really hate this music
I can't stand gene loves jezebel
If there is a god in heaven
I'm sure that band will burn in hell
I'm gonna shoot somebody
If they don't stop talkin' about east enders

We're goin' to a bad party
And who knows what damage we'll do
We're goin' to a bad party
Gonna wind up on phil donahue

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