Il testo della V.i.t.r.i.o.l.


pochette album V.i.t.r.i.o.l.
Vista su itunes

sonnerie téléphone portable pour V.i.t.r.i.o.l.
Video clip

(lyrical magick: proscriptor, musick: shaftiel)

They stare towards the heart
They stare at the stone
He'll upend the plate of angles;
She'll upend the plate of angles
V dashes of mercury
And asarus alchemy
Will channel v archangels... v archangels

(chorus i:)
"in the sun we remember;
In the planets we forget
We've come unto a hall and asaru is who we've met"

Huluppu roots are forked
Like veins in a canny hand;
Their leaves have scuttled
In spiraled force
A vi fold nova,
Fleurs de lys...
V cards are placed in the hand of the course.

(chorus ii:)
"o' abyssia we recall;
In spiraled force, they will fall
Man, staff and the silver gilt key shall take us to

(mandate of pandemonium (solos: shaftiel):)
"dreamer!" : "redeemer!"
"dreamer!" : "redeemer!"
"dreamer!" : "redeemer!"
"the abyss!" : "v.i.t.r.i.o.l.!"

(repeat mandate of pandemonium)

Their universe...
It's constantly changing,
And every change in force
It's constantly dying.
Rearrange v cards, yet are they lying?

(repeat chorus i)

Closing verdant curtains
Closure is the apex;
One curve is the asp,
But the snake is a path in light
These twins are emerging,
Geminis still verging,
Yet atu still carries the knife.

(repeat chorus ii)

Altri brani di Absu