Il testo della Bev's trousers -
Electric Light Orchestra
She cried to the southern wind
About a love that was sure to end
Every dream in her heart was gone
Headin' for a showdown
Bad dreamer, what's your name
Looks like we're ridin' on the same train
Looks as through there'll be more pain
There's gonna be a showdown
And it's rainin' all over the world
It's raining all over the world
Tonight, the longest night
She came to me like a friend
She blew in on a southern wind
Now my heart is turned to stone again
There's gonna be a showdown
Save me, oh save me
It's unreal, the suffering
There's gonna be a showdown
And it's rainin' all over the world
It's raining all over the world
Tonight, the longest night
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Il testo della canzone bev's trousers - da electric light orchestra.