Il testo della V.i.p.
Iggy Pop
I'm a very important person
I park in the v.i.p
And when i go to the bathroom,
I go in the v.i.p toilet
And when i wanna change a lightbulb,
I don't do it myself... oooohhh no...
I have a technician
Cause i'm a v.i.p
I'm a v.i.p
I'm a v.i.p
I'm a v.i.p
Now, as i began to become a v.i.p,
I forgot what i've become a v.i.p for
I began to grow accustomed to people saying
"right this way sir...drinks are on the house..."
Flight attendants on airplanes saying :
"please...really, i don't wanna bother you sir, but it's such a pleasure to have you on board.
May i have your autograph for my daughter ?"
"yeah baby right after i go to the toilet
I i'll give you a couple of'em
Cause i'm a v.i.p!"
Now,one thing about v.i.p is,is they never seem to be alone
Ooohh no !
The "true" v.i.p must travel with an entourage !
People who say "right on boss"
Cause it's a v.i.p!
Right on boss
I'm a v.i.p!
As i began to realise that i had gained v.i.p status,
Worries began to creep in
What if one day,i woke up,and i was no longer a v.i.p ?
No more good tables at the restaurants...
No more strange women smiling and approaching me on the streets...
No more top notch booty
No more entourage to say "right boss"
I began to have nightmares
And in my nightmares, i was just a fucking nobody.
Laying at the beach, imagining myself being a vip !
Just like i was before...
Hearing the applause in my head
Beautiful warm embraces of superior members of the female gender...
Of course, when one becomes a v.i.p,
One meets other
At social occasions...
And one inevitably thinks :
"thck ! how shallow and crass these people are !
They're not down to earth and real like me...
Oooohhh no ! i'm a very special v.i.p"
Another interesting phenomenon, associated with v.i.p celebrityhood, is the "v.i.p reflection effect", during which anyone associated with the v.i.p, becomes a sort of v.i.p in their own right ! such as "son of the v.i.p",
"guitar player for the v.i.p",
"girlfriend with the v.i.p",
"accountants of the v.i.p"
The maid, the dog, the music publisher ...huh !
All enjoy a sort of 'reflected glory', as in..
"hi this is nastea
I work for iggy
And i'd like 6 tables tonight in the v.i.p section
And he needs passes for everyone
And free drinks of course
In the v.i.p area"
Right on boss
Cause i'm a v.i.p.
It's also true that when one is a v.i.p, everybody's happy to see you... all the time !
And there's an implicit rule that a v.i.p must never- never
Be on a barn.
Cause everybody expects you to make their day
And they're all be on to you if you're in a bad mood.
They will "thck!tchk!tchk ! mur mur mur mur mur!",
And you will find yourself with the wrong kind of attention:
A "difficult" v.i.p.
Psychologists tell us that a sense of self-esteem
Is so necessary in today's world.
As a v.i.p, i can guarantee you, you'll never be alone.
You'll never be alone.
Cause you're a v.i.p!
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Il testo della canzone v.i.p. da iggy pop.