Lyrics of The place where lost things go (reprise) by joel dawson, nathanael selah, & pixie davies
Mary Poppins
Paroles de la chanson the place where lost things go (reprise) by joel dawson, nathanael selah, & pixie davies par mary poppins
"we haven't lost mother. not really."
Nothing's gone forever
Only out of place
So when we need her touch
Her loving gaze
Gone but not forgotten
Is the perfect phrase
Smiling from a star
That she makes glow
Trust she's always there
Watching as we grow
Find her in the place
Where the lost things go
"when did you all get so clever. i hope i'm as clever as you when i grow up. you're right. course you're right georgie. mum is not gone, she's in your smile. and in your walk, john. and annabel's eyes. she'll always be with us, wherever we go."
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Lyrics of the track the place where lost things go (reprise) by joel dawson, nathanael selah, & pixie davies by mary poppins.