Lyrics of (get your kicks on) route 66
Dr. Feelgood
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Release date : 26/06/2006
Duration : 0:03:24
Style : Rock
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(b. troupe)
If you ever plan to motor west
Travel my way, the highway that's the best
Get your kicks on route 66
It winds from chicago to l.a.
More than 2,000 miles all the way
Get your kicks on route 66
Now you go thru st. looey, joplin, missouri
And oklahoma city looks mighty pretty
You'll see amarillo, gallup, new mexico
Flagstaff, arizona, don't forget winona
Winslow, barstow, san bernardino
Won't you get hip to this timely tip
When you make that california trip
Get your kicks on route 66
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Lyrics of the track (get your kicks on) route 66 by dr. feelgood.