Il testo della Burn the bodies to the ground
I Am Ghost

Vista su itunes
Data di rilascio : 04/10/2008
Durata : 0:03:42
Stile : Alternative
Video clip
It's ten degrees inside the house tonight,
I'm seeing corpses drawing on the walls,
Drinking themsevles to death.
They're playing games and fighting late,
Smoking their cigarettes and choking on the fog.
Breathe in, say hello.
I'm alive again in these walls.
Let's drink 'till we're dead! so dramatic. . .
I press my face against her chest;
Can't feel a heartbeat,
But her hands are warm;
She's singing that song again:
Love misery, how much she hates.
I'll light a match and burn the bodies to the ground.
Breathe in, say hello.
I'm alive again in these walls.
Let's drink 'till we're dead! so dramatic. . .
(i do it so well. . .)
Breathe in, say hello.
I'm alive again in these walls.
Let's drink 'till we're dead! so dramatic. . .
As the fire dance surrounds,
All the pictures burning, longing, waiting
Release the memories of you.
As our house burns to the ground,
I will breathe you in,
Remember you loved me,
Release the real.
Let's. burn. this. place. . .
Breathe in, say hello.
I'm alive again in these walls.
Let's drink 'till we're dead! so dramatic. . .
(i do it so well)
Breathe in, say hello.
I'm alive again in these walls.
Let's drink 'till we're dead! so dramatic,
I do it well.
Let's burn this place,
Let's burn this face!
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Il testo della canzone burn the bodies to the ground da i am ghost.