Il testo della The denouement
I Am Ghost

Vista su itunes
Data di rilascio : 10/10/2006
Durata : 0:03:18
Stile : Rock
Video clip
Dies irae solvet saeclum in favilla.
Mors stupebit cum resurget creatura.
Requiem aeternam dona eis,
Et lux perpetua luceat eis
Exaudi orationem meam.
(a day of wrath will dissolve the world into glowing ashes.
Death shall be amazed when creation rises again.
Give them eternal rest,
And let perpetual light shine on them;
O hear my prayers.)
Requiem aeternam... requiem
Requiem et lux perpetua luceat eis
Dona eis requiem
And let perpetual light shine on them
Grant them rest)
Altri brani di I Am Ghost

Beyond the hourglass
I Am Ghost

Bone garden
I Am Ghost

Burn the bodies to the ground
I Am Ghost

Il testo della Civil war and isolation thirst
I Am Ghost

Crossing the river styx
I Am Ghost

Dark carnival of the immaculate
I Am Ghost

Don't wake up
I Am Ghost

Il testo della Eulogies and epitaphs
I Am Ghost

Killer likes candy
I Am Ghost

Kiss me like you wanted - i will never tell
I Am Ghost

Kiss me like you wanted - we will never tell
I Am Ghost

Il testo della Lady madeline in her coffin
I Am Ghost

Lovers' requiem
I Am Ghost

Of masques and martyrs
I Am Ghost

Our friend lazarus sleeps
I Am Ghost

Il testo della Pretty people never lie
I Am Ghost

Pretty people never lie - vampires really never die
I Am Ghost

Pretty people never lie - vampires really
I Am Ghost

Saddest story never told
I Am Ghost

Il testo della Smile of a jesus freak
I Am Ghost

The dead girl epilogue: part i
I Am Ghost

The dead girl epilogue: part one
I Am Ghost

The last goodbye of smile and bone
I Am Ghost

Il testo della The malediction
I Am Ghost

The most beautiful nightmare: part two
I Am Ghost

The ship of pills and needed things
I Am Ghost

This is home
I Am Ghost

Il testo della Those we leave behind
I Am Ghost

We are always searching
I Am Ghost
Il testo della canzone the denouement da i am ghost.