Lyrics of 'believe in me'
Rundgren Todd
Please don't look at me that way,
I can hardly say what i have to say,
There is nothing that i haven't told to you
That i didn't believe you knew.
I am thinking of another time
I could feel you thinking that you were mine,
Now i hold out my hands 'til my arms get tired
And you wait on the other side.
You and me, we're both the same,
Don't let me take all the blame,
I promise that i will do all it takes to make up for my mistakes.
So, i'm trying hard to be the man
And it's not a hard thing to understand,
For i think that my being would cease to be
If you didn't believe in me, if you didn't believe in me.
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Lyrics of the track 'believe in me' by rundgren todd.