Lyrics of 'bleeding'
Rundgren Todd
Don't be sad now
Get up and start again
Though it's bad right now
It takes a while to mend
Keep your eyes
Upon the other side
Nobody cries
When they know nobody died
We all feel it too
No one needs to change places with you
Take two pills and go to bed
If you lose your body don't lose your head
You're only bleeding
Be a big man
Go on and take the gun
If you lose your hand
You got another one
Pieces fly
But we don't run and hide
Nobody cries
When they know nobody died
Take a stand boy
Let's throw the crutch away
And we'll jump for joy
Though our feet are shot away
When you leave
Leave a bit of you behind
How can you cry
When you know nobody died
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Lyrics of the track 'bleeding' by rundgren todd.