Lyrics of 'hello it's me'
Rundgren Todd
Hello, it's me
I've thought about us for a long, long time
Maybe i think too much but something's wrong
There's something here that doesn't last too long
Maybe i shouldn't think of you as mine
Seeing you
Or seeing anything as much as i do you
I take for granted that you're always there
I take for granted that you just don't care
Sometimes i can't help seeing all the way through
It's important to me that you know you are free
'cause i never want to make you change for me
Think of me
You know that i'd be with you if i could
I'll come around to see you once in a while
Or if i ever need a reason to smile
And spend the night if you think i should
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Lyrics of the track 'hello it's me' by rundgren todd.