Lyrics of 'hope i'm around'
Rundgren Todd
Some happy day, after i'm long gone away
Someone will make you see
You were in love with me
And know what it's like to be
Where i'm standing now
And then you'll find me somehow
You better hope i'm around when you need me
You know i won't be around when you need me
You better know what to do when you need me
No one told me what to do when i needed you
I was a man, now i'm just a bird sitting in your hand
You tell me that it's through
But when it comes to you
That i was in love with you
You'll wonder where to fly
When someone tells you goodbye
Maybe now you cannot see
But i know just what you need
'cause you're looking for someone like me
And after i leave you here
You'll spend some lonely years
And you won't need my tears
To know what i've been through
And need me like i needed you
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Lyrics of the track 'hope i'm around' by rundgren todd.