Lyrics of Beach party vietnam
Dead Milkmen
It's a beach party vietnam
Surfin' with the viet cong
Cookin' hot dogs with napalm
A beach party vietnam
Frankie and annette were layin' on the sand
When frank got a letter from his uncle sam
It said, "get moon dog and all your friends
You're all invited to a"
Beach party vietnam
Surfin' with the viet cong
Cookin' hot dogs with napalm
A beach party vietnam
Hey frankie, aren't you gonna give me your class ring?
Oh i'm afraid i can't do that, annette
Why not?
'cause i don't have any arms
Beach party vietnam
Surfin' with the viet cong
Cookin' hot dogs with napalm
A beach party vietnam
Annette, she wants frankie's ring
Frankie wants annette's thing
They're layin' on the west coast
There's gonna be a wiener roast
The beach party vietnam
Surfin' with the viet cong
Cookin' hot dogs with napalm
A beach party vietnam
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Lyrics of the track beach party vietnam by dead milkmen.