Lyrics of Big lizard

Dead Milkmen

pochette album Big lizard
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Big lizard in my backyard
Can't afford to feed him anymore
Big lizard in my backyard
Bustin' down my neighbor's door

I bought a big lizard only a dollar fifty
Well, that's pretty neat, yeah it's fuckin' nifty
But i just can't afford to feed it
And you should see the way it shits

I've got a big lizard in my backyard
Can't afford to feed it anymore
Big lizard in my backyard
Bustin' down my neighbor's door

I was knocked outta bed late last night
I was woken up by the sound of dynamite
I ran downstairs to find an army man
He said, "we gotta blow up those things we don't understand!"

There's no more big lizard in my backyard
I won't have to feed him anymore
No more lizard in my backyard
They shipped his ass to el salvador

Was knocked outta bed late last night
I was woken up by the sound of dynamite
I ran downstairs to find an army man
He said, "we gotta blow up those things we don't understand"

Big lizard in my backyard
Can't afford to feed it anymore
Big lizard in my backyard
Bustin' down my neighbor's door

I bought a big lizard only a dollar fifty
Well, that's pretty neat, yeah it's fuckin' nifty
But i just can't afford to feed it

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