Lyrics of Big deal
Dead Milkmen
Life sucks, then you die
And your soul gets sucked into the sky
Birds sing, i wonder why
You eat a bowl of cereal and sigh
You're late for your class
You're walkin' the halls without a pass
Big deal
Big deal
Time flies, time crawls
You're a prisoner trapped between its claws
Life sucks, sometimes
You gotta learn to live between the lines
Your feet are on the ground
But the world keeps spinning you around
Big deal
Big deal
Don't be worried, don't be down
I'll be your stupid happy clown
Keep your chin up in the air
Shake your body like you just don't care
Birds sing, babies cry
Life sucks and then you die
Big deal
Big deal
Big deal
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Lyrics of the track big deal by dead milkmen.